The use of steel-fitted blocks is a time-consuming and specialist job. The procedure of measuring, correcting, trial-fitting, and machining needs to be repeated until the steel-fitted block provides a sufficient contact area with the machine foot. Machining these blocks is a considerable cost, even when done in-house.
an experienced and patient miller is needed
the trial and error procedure can be endless
the cost of milling machinery is considerable
relatively easy for parallel Soft-Foot, hard to remedy an angular Soft-Foot
When cutting shims from stock, the sharp burrs may be a safety issue and create errors in stacking up the shims. Pre-cut shims save time, but a stack of them will still hammer in overtime. The angular Soft-Foot will still be there, causing an insufficient support area.
someone with little experience can do the job
fast when pre-cut
cheap in the short term, but stacking is expensive in the long term
almost impossible to remedy angular Soft-Foot
This solution consists of two-component resin and provides a permanent solution. The procedure of preparing, pouring, and waiting for the curing is a time-consuming process. Whenever the equipment needs to be realigned, the epoxy has to be carved out. Certified personnel must do the material pouring, where there is no room for trial and error.
certified personnel required
time-consuming installation and curing time
material and cost of certified labour
significant risk for installation mishaps
These methods have two primary goals: to create a flat mounting surface for the equipment and to transfer the reactive force from the machine feet to the foundation. Unfortunately, with the above chock methods, a high risk of a Soft-Foot remains. Our years of experience in alignment services taught us that down the line; all applications need realignment at some point. A lot can happen during transport, installation, or the application lifetime. In these situations, time is of the essence, money is at stake, and the equipment needs to be up and running again as soon as possible.
©ChockDesign B.V.