RotaChock® BasicLine
RotaChock® BasicLine是一种坚固、可调节且自动调平的安装楔块,适用于所有类型的旋转和/或关键对准的机械设备。
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RotaChock® SlimLine
在RotaChock® BasicLine无法适应可用的间隙高度的情况下,从20毫米开始使用RotaChock® SlimLine。
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RotaChock® Mounting Plate
RotaChock® 安装板为安装弹性支架提供了可调节的替代选择,而不是环氧树脂或定制钢垫块。
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RotaChock® 由3部分组成:



  • RotaChock® is installed quickly. A machine set up on a RotaChock® can generally be realigned and secured an hour. When using epoxy resins, it takes at least three days for the machinery to function again due to the resin's relatively long curing time of 36-48 hours. When using steel-fitted blocks, measuring the gap, milling the steel chock, and the welding process will take several days.

  • RotaChock® main benefit is serviceability, thanks to the adjustability feature. Corrections and adjustments in realignment are always directly possible. When using epoxy resins or steel-fitted blocks, you need to cut out the epoxy resin or remove the steel block and redo the entire lengthy and costly process.

  • RotaChock® has a spherical top part that ensures the best possible contact surface, even if the foundation and the machine foot are not parallel. The RotaChock® is also height-adjustable. The combination of these two features prevents Soft-Foot.

  • RotaChock® is user-friendly; no special skills are required for installation. Unlike epoxy resins, no certified people are needed for the installation job to retain a warranty. For the local procedure of measuring, correcting, blue-fitting, and machining steel-fitted blocks, experienced and patient millers are required.

  • RotaChock® is eco-friendly; epoxy resins contain mixed and aggressive chemical components which are dangerous for the users. RotaChock® is also adjustable thus reusable.

  • RotaChock® behaves like a solid steel chock, and RotaChock® allows the foundation bolt to be tensioned to any required torque. In contrast, epoxy resins have a maximum load of 5 N/mm2. This relatively low torque often results in almost loose foundation bolts.

  • RotaChock® is a standard designed solution with a corresponding adjustability range. No need for extensive engineering work or Mona Lisa projects. You can gill the gap with one solution. In comparisson: steel-fitted blocks need to be measured separately and machined for each gap height.

  • RotaChock® requires no heating; heat could influence the alignment target negatively. Epoxy resins need to be heated to cure, and steel-fitted blocks need to be welded to the foundation.

  • RotaChock® competitive edge is its large footprint: the surface area of the bottom ring in contact with the foundation is larger, so the pressure exerted on that surface is lower. RotaChock® also uses a buttress thread design. These features allow RotaChock® to carry greater loads.

基于以下原因,我们认为 RotaChock® 是旋转设备的最佳生命周期解决方案:

  • RotaChock® 消除了软脚
  • RotaChock® 是可调节的,因此可以根据需要随时校准和重新校准
  • 与其他卡锁方案相比,RotaChock® 可节省时间和金钱

已安装的可调式卡锁数以百万计,服务于从海洋到核工业等各行各业的著名项目。请查看我们的产品组合,并作出使用 RotaChock® 填补空白的明智决定。